
The 'Former' Bell Inn, Pinchbeck, PE11 3UB

Guide Price £950,000
Sold Subject To Contract

The property is situated in the village of Pinchbeck and is within walking distance of all the village shops, Doctors Surgery, St. Mary's Village Church, Public House and Primary school. Pinchbeck itself is only 2 miles from the main town of Spalding, with further extensive shopping facilities, Primary and Secondary Schools, Bus and Train Stations, giving access to London via Peterborough Train Station.

The whole site extends to approximately 5,944 m2 (1.47 acres) and is shown edged red on the Land Registry Title plan included in these Particulars (for identification purposes only). The full planning consent is for the former Public House building to be converted to 5 No. flats and 9 No. detached Bungalows erected on the land to the rear.

Services We understand that all mains services are currently connected to the property. However neither the Vendors nor their Agents make any guarantees as to the availability of services and interested parties must make their own enquiries direct with the service providers concerned as to the availability, practicality and cost of providing all necessary services to the site as required.

Terms Freehold with vacant possession upon completion.

Viewing Strictly by prior appointment with the Vendors' Agents. The site is uneven in part and parties view the site at their own risk. Neither the Vendors nor the Agents accept any liability for any damage to persons or property by virtue of viewing the site.

Please contact the Commercial Department of R Longstaff & Co LLP to arrange an appointment -
Telephone: 01775 765536 or Email:

Full Planning Consent was granted by South Holland District Council - Reference H14-0219-22 dated 6th April 2023. The Planning Consent is granted subject to a Section 106 Agreement, which includes 'Affordable Housing'. The purchaser will be required to comply with all the Conditions of the granted Planning Consent and will be responsible for all costs in connection with doing so.

Prospective purchasers' attention is drawn to the various conditions attached to the Planning Consent and the purchaser will be responsible for all costs associated with fulfilling such conditions.

Copies of the planning documents are available from the Agent's Spalding Office or alternatively a copy can be downloaded from South Holland District Council's website at

Details of the following documents are available upon request: - CALL - 01775 765536 / EMAIL -

- Plans associated with the Planning Application
- Planning Consent
- Design and Access Statement


District & Planning: South Holland District Council, Priory Road, Spalding, Lincs, PE11 2XE
CALL: 01775 761161

Water & Sewerage: Anglian Water Customer Services, PO Box 10642, Harlow, Essex, CM20 9HA
CALL: 08457 919155

County & Highways: Lincolnshire County Council, County Offices, Newland, Lincoln, LN1 1YL
CALL: 01522 552222

R. Longstaff & Co LLP, their clients and any joint agents accept no responsibility for any statement that may be made in these particulars. They do not form part of any offer or contract and must not be relied upon as statements or representations of fact. They are not authorised to make or give any representations or warranties in relation to the property either here or elsewhere, either on their own behalf or on behalf of their client(s) or otherwise. All areas, measurements or distances are approximate. All text, photographs and plans are for guidance only and are not necessarily comprehensive. It should not be assumed that the property has all necessary planning, building regulation or other consents, and no guarantee is given for any apparatus, services, equipment or facilities, being connected nor in working order. Purchasers must satisfy themselves of these by inspection or otherwise.

We make every effort to produce accurate and reliable details but if there are any particular points you would like to discuss prior to making your inspection, please contact our office. In any case, we suggest you contact us to check the availability of this property prior to travelling to the area.



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